Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Prospectus on Immigration - 1757 Words

Aly Anderson 11/17/12 Turkan Deperlioglu English 105 Prospectus and Annotated Bibliography In today’s day of age, Illegal immigration is becoming a huge issue. With laws constantly changing and peoples views becoming more obscure about the idea, Illegal Immigration is becoming a harder issue to tackle. Illegal immigration has many issues including economic spread, population growth, political stances, and difficult immigration processes. Both sides of the political arena are fighting effortlessly to get there point across. The Republicans believe that immigration should be stopped going into the United States of only poor immigrants, while prosperous immigrants are allowed. This is an example of racial profiling which is illegal in the†¦show more content†¦It makes sense to use this as a resource because it explains and gives examples why immigration is both bad and good. Robert Fullinwider uses his studies of philosophy and uses it to help explain why people migrate into the US and why people in the government do not like it. Graham, Hugh Davis, (1990), The Civil Rights Era: Origins and Development of National Policy 1960-1972 (New York: Oxford University Press): 413. This earlier article explains how immigration is similar to the Civil Rights Era. Racial profiling is still used today on immigrants coming from all around the world. Hugh Davis Graham explains the cruel happenings due to immigration and how it is affecting other people’s view of immigrants entering the US. He explains the relationship of the civil rights movement and the immigration process. Racial profiling is becoming a large problem for immigrants who come up from the south, similar to African Americans back in the sixties. The many examples given helps the readers completely understand the parallelism between the two. It uses history as en examples to give good explanations. With immigration being such a present day topic, this article is an excellent source for the paper because how much it discusses the issues at hand. Hayes, Ted, (September 25, 2000 ). â€Å"Illegal Immigration Threatens U.S. Sovereignty, Economy and Culture,† Insight on the News, 16, (36):Show MoreRelatedAnnotated Bibliography On Human Trafficking1278 Words   |  6 PagesProspectus on Human Trafficking in the United States For my research paper, I will be explaining the issue of human trafficking in the United States and propose a course of action we can take to help combat the growth of this problem. Article 3, paragraph (a) of the United Nation s Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons essentially defines trafficking as the harboring or transportation of a person through any means, including force, threats, fraud, and coercion (42). Read MoreEssay on Myer Swot Analysis3697 Words   |  15 Pagesemployees and customers to invest in the company. 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Leeds Council (2006) statedRead MoreUnderstanding the Infrastructure Industry and How it is Essential for the Growth of Our Nation3335 Words   |  13 Pageslike- 1. Internet(majority) 2. Magazines 3. Surveys conducted by reputed firms 4. Organizational records of the researched companies 5. Accounts of the company 6. Reports from the Ministry of commerce and Industries 7. Company brochure and prospectus 8. Newspaper articles 9. Seminars- ‘Karnataka Economic Summit 2014’ 2.1.3 MARKETING MIX STRATEGY Product: GMR believes in creating and maintaining high standards when it comes to product quality. They ensure that their products are manufacturedRead MoreNibm Iii Semester Assignments10149 Words   |  41 Pagesthe demand for qualified amp; experienced representation is great. Selective food service marketings philosophy is to execute our principals agenda with thorough operator penetration amp; effective service to our distributors. A conservative prospectus of manufactures, but go to market aggressively to succeed. What is the your vision to represent a food manufacturing company in a way that they are proud to say that they have selective food marketing services? 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There are two primary trends affecting the population. â€Å"The fertility remains well below the replacement ratio and net immigration is low†¦the population is ageing rapidly as a result of greater longevity and low fertility rates (EIU 13).† While the percentage of females to males, in the ‘productive age range of 15-64 years old is 66% to 34%,’ with an overall low replacement

Friday, May 15, 2020

Feminism, Narrative And Psychoanalysis - 1991 Words

Published in 1974, Juliet Mitchell’s essay, ‘Femininity, Narrative and Psychoanalysis’, was originally a lecture delivered by the British second-wave feminist at a conference in Australia. One of the first proponents of Psychoanalytical Feminism, Mitchell fiercely defended the merits of psychoanalytical paradigms in feminist analysis at a time when they were largely considered two widely disparate and incompatible disciplines; especially since Mitchell’s contemporaries believed the former undermined the latter. Mitchell’s work was largely a reaction to Kate Milletts’ 1969 influential rejection of (particularly Freudian) psychoanalytical methodologies in feminist work as inherently reactionary and patriarchal constructs. Mitchell’s book, Psychoanalysis and Feminism, reclaimed post-Lacanian psychoanalysis for feminist critical methodology. She claims, â€Å"Psychoanalysis is not a recommendation for a patriarchal society but an analysis of one. If we are interested in understanding and challenging the oppression of women, we cannot afford to neglect psychoanalysis.† Instead of finding it crippling, Mitchell believes psychoanalysis is conducive to reconstructing and re-evaluating the position of women from a different vantage. She perceives the apparent ‘chauvinism’ in Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis as an ‘is-ought’ problem, i.e. prescriptive moral statements cannot be derived from purely descriptive premises. Defending Freud, Mitchell claims that he in no way perpetuates aShow MoreRelatedWhy Stories Matter Convincingly Questions The Belief That Securing More Accurate Narratives Of The Past Essay1388 Words   |  6 PagesThe postcorrective historiography of Why Stories Matter convincingly questions the belief that securing more accurate narratives of the past is possible and desirable. Hemmings intentionally sidesteps the philosophical question at the heart of most histories a nd historiographies: Are more accurate and unexpected renderings of the past in existence, waiting to be uncovered? Hemmings’s concerns are epistemological: what matters is how the past is depicted and what is remembered or forgotten as a resultRead MoreEssay on Patriarchal Structure of An Active Male Gaze 1678 Words   |  7 Pagesand Hollywood. Mulvey’s project is to use psychoanalysis to uncover the power of patriarchy in Hollywood cinema. Patriarchal influence upon cinema is found primarily in pleasure (pleasure in looking) or as Freud’s has put it, scopophilia. Mulvey suggests that it may be possible to create a new for of cinema due to the fact that patriarchy power to control cinematic pleasure has revealed. Many critics have noticed that Mulvey’s application of psychoanalysis and filmmaking appears in an ironic returnRead MoreA Feminist Film Theorist Who Is Best Known For Her Essay Visual Pleasure And Narrative Cinema1233 Words   |  5 Pagesfeminist film theorist who is best known for her essay Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema. In this essay, she claimed that men and women are positioned differently by cinema: men are the subjects who drive the story’s plot, while women are objects solely for male desire. Her theories were heavily influenced by Jacques Lacan and Sigmund Freud, while also including psychoanalysis and feminism. Mulvey used Lacanian psychoanalysis to support her account of gendered subjectivity, visual pleasure, and desireRead MoreWomen s Suffrage For Josephine Baker By Adolf Loos1133 Words   |  5 PagesHow are women represented in House for Josephine Baker by Adolf Loos? Introduction Feminism and the women s right movement occurs in waves. 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The prominent female characterRead MoreNeo-Marxist Filmmakers1365 Words   |  5 Pagesdepth. This effect has a strong ideological outcome since, in ideological terms, the painting arranges the viewer space in a centered and organized form that appears to originate from the painting. Laura Mulvey, in â€Å"Narrative Cinema and Visual Pleasure† (1973), uses psychoanalysis as a political weapon to uncover ways in which the patriarchal subconscious organizes the film form and the way we experience it. Mulvey states that women are the bearer, not maker of meaning in a male-controlled orderRead MoreAn Overview and Commentary on Course Objectives Essay2215 Words   |  9 Pagesterm, I felt I merely had to wait for some theory or concept to come up that piqued my interest, one that I could sink my teeth into – this didn’t happen. So instead of writing a masterpiece on postcolonialism, or a scathing deconstruction of psychoanalysis, I must opt for a generic overview of, and commentary on, ideas I have learned, to at least show the course objectives have been met (even if some of my argumentation comes across as spurious and groundless). Our first sojourn is into the realmRead MoreThe Portrayal of Women in Advertising Essay958 Words   |  4 Pagesplan to discuss the portrayal of women in contemporary advertising and focus around the ideologies of the male gaze according to Laura Mulvey. Laura Mulvey is a feminist film theorist commonly known for her controversial essay, â€Å"visual pleasure and narrative cinema† written in 1973. This piece went on to be published in the influential British film journey screen. (Hein,2008) Her written views have achieved to shift the perception of film theories conventional structure known as psychoanalytic, whichRead MoreEssay on Race and Class in Alice Walkers Color Purple1622 Words   |  7 Pagestension between public and private discourse in the novel.(2) Thus, in analyzing Celies representation of national identity, Lauren Berlant identifies a separation of aesthetic and political discourses in the novel and concludes that Celies narrative ultimately emphasizes individual essence in false opposition to institutional history (868). Revealing a very different political agenda in his attacks on the novels womanist stance, George Stade also points to a tension between personal andRead MoreAll that Heaven Allows Movie Analysis1587 Words   |  6 Pagesapproaches, according to Althusserian Marxism and Lacanian psychoanalysis, ‘human subject are formed through complex significant process, including flim are purveyors of bourgeois ideology’(Kellner, 1979). In addition to this theory, by Laura Mulvey, 1977, in â€Å"Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema†, claim that male and female have differentially positioned by film, where male are categorize as the subject identifying with agent that led the film’s narrative forward, whereas female portrayed as an object for

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The French Revolution. The French Revolution Helped Mold

The French Revolution: The French revolution helped mold a lot of nations into what they are today. The French revolution began in 1789 and ended in 1799. Some important factors in the revolution are: its people, battles, and how it affected the nations that we know today. The French Revolution, also known as the revolution of 1789, was a movement that helped shape France into what it is today. The Revolution may have began in 1787 but it was not until 1789 the revolution to become worse. The Revolution had many reasons for why it started, but only a few major incidents really made it occur. One is because of Feudalism(the system of political organization prevailing in Europe from the 9th to about the 15th centuries) going on, the†¦show more content†¦Before becoming an emperor; Napoleon rose through the ranks of military quickly during his time in the French Revolution. After the French Revolution, he crowned himself as emperor, and took over France as their new ruler in 1804. He won many wars an d expanded the empire, but when he lost to Russia, he was exiled and died at the age of fifty-one. Another general was a man named Marquis de Lafayette. Lafayette helped France before, during and after the French revolution. When France was secretly helping America in their Revolution, France sent Lafayette to help, and he became a general. When he returned to France, he was recruited to a high general in France. George Danton was a leader of the French Revolution and is also credited as the leader in the overthrow of France s monarchy system and making the first French Republic. Danton played a part in helping remove the king from power . Later, he was selected as a minister by the national assembly. He was most popular for his contribution to the French Revolution. The revolution started off peacefully, but after a few years is when it escalated. Along with the taxes, the French citizens did not like the absolute monarch and the feudal system, because of this the citizens revolte d. Similar to the American Revolution, the French revolution was influenced by people’s ideals and the king having bad decisions from theShow MoreRelatedHistory : The American Revolution Essay1435 Words   |  6 Pagesquality, which was strongly held in the people’s hearts in America, and it consequently spread to other countries in the world. It is believed that American Revolution was the most important chapter in human history just because it was their action that made the ideals of liberty, equality, and justice to materialize. The American Revolution had a very big significance worldwide as it changed the world not by removing and altering of power in any of the states but by the appearance of the new stateRead MoreHistory : The American Revolution1442 Words   |  6 Pagesquality, which was strongly held in the people’s hearts in America, and it consequently spread to other countries in the world. It is believed that American Revolution was the most impo rtant chapter in human history just because it was their action that made the ideals of liberty, equality, and justice to materialize. The American Revolution had a very big significance worldwide as it changed the world not by removing and altering of power in any of the states but by the appearance of the new stateRead MoreWestern Civilization1000 Words   |  4 Pagesthat were interested in their territory. They regulated religious sects. France of Louis was the classic model of absolutism. Louis XIV, the sun king, was a devoted Catholic who believed that god had estalblished kings as rulers on the earth. The French language and culture became an international style because of him. People liked what he was doing, people really liked him. He effected the western world in a good way. He made them see that absolutism could indeed be very productive. ConstitutionalismRead More Western Civilization Essays991 Words   |  4 Pagesinterested in their territory. They regulated religious sects. France of Louis was the classic model of absolutism. Louis XIV, quot; the sun king,quot; was a devoted Catholic who believed that god had estalblished kings as rulers on the earth. The French language and culture became an international style because of him. People liked what he was doing, people really liked him. He effected the western world in a good way. He made them see that absolutism could indeed be very productive. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ConstitutionalismRead MoreEssay about Religious Toleration during the Enlightenment1302 Words   |  6 PagesThe Enlightenment of the 18th century evolved due to the many changes brought about by the Scientific Revolution. With all of the new scientific discoveries, new thought processes were developed. The scientists of the Scientific Revolution brought about revolutionary change. These scientists inspired the philosophes of the Enlightenment to challenge the ways of the Old Regime and question the ideas of the church. Philosophers such as Francois Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and John Locke publishedRead MoreAnalysis Of Duplessis And As Government Called The Great Darkness1301 Words   |  6 Pagesfigured poems, paintings, sketches and plenty other art forms. It is a renowned document that we can not forget. It is par of our story and teaches us a valuable lesson. The Total Refusal (or Refus global in French) changed the traditional values and saved the cultural integrity of the French-Canadian population in the 1950’s and here’s why. First of all, The Refus global was against the Church and introduced the importance of artists in society. Indeed, The Refus global was against the strict rulesRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Duplessis And The Great Darkness 1312 Words   |  6 Pagespoems, paintings, sketches and plenty other art forms. It is a renowned document that we cannot forget. The book is a part of our story and it teaches us a valuable lesson. The Total Refusal (or Refus global in French) changed the traditional values and saved the cultural integrity of the French-Canadian population in the 1950’s and here’s why. First of all, The Refus global was against the Church and introduced the importance of artists in society. Indeed, The Refus global was against the strict rulesRead MoreThe American Revolution And Its Effect On American History1537 Words   |  7 PagesThe American Revolution began in 1775. Due to the Revolution 1775 proved to be one of the most productive years in American history. The American Revolution caused great changes in the original thirteen colonies that helped mold the United States into what it is today. The revolution caused changes in the original colonies’ economics, caused immense changes in slavery, and changed the society of the colonies in general. As a result of the French and Indian war Britain neglected the American coloniesRead MoreVarious Topics incomplete1893 Words   |  8 Pagesphilosopher named Aristotle. Aristotle’s works merged with Christian views helped formed what we know today as medieval traditional views. During the 15th and 16th centuries however new views started to undermine this way of thinking. Neoplatonism based on the ideas of Plato combined with Hermetic doctrine provided especially powerful alternatives to Aristotelian thought. Or (helped form a bridge to the scientific revolution). Some of the key subjects taught in early medieval school universitiesRead MoreWilliam Blake was born in London on November 28, 1757 to James and Catherine Blake. His father,1600 Words   |  7 Pageswith coloring, illustrations, engravings, and book binding (â€Å"Later Life and Career†). They had a very successful marriage where Catherine supported Blake in his work and believed in his genius. She also believed his visions of spirits and Blake even â€Å"helped her to experience visions, as he did† (â€Å"The Maturing Artist†). Blake would refer to her as his â€Å"sweet shadow of delight† (â€Å"Youth†). Blake’s first book of poetry was Poetical Sketches published in 1783 and paid for by a few of his friends (â€Å"Artist

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Australia computer Society Events

Question: Discuss about the Australia computer Society Events. Answer: Reimagination: Using Technology as a source of competitive advantages This report depicts the importance and usage of technology and how the technologies help to gain competitive advantages from the marketplace. A technology based conference has been conducted where the chief Scientist of Telstra Dr Hugh Bradlow, VP chief Information officer of Woodside energy Sara Braund and Ajay Bhatia the Chief production and information officer of caresales.com have participated (Acs.org.au 2017). It is found that, the role of the IT consultant should look beyond the time frame of the current business to understand the impact of changing technologies in the next generation and services and in order to improve the commercial benefit the organizations should adapt the innovative technologies. For oil and Gas Company the impact of technologies are illustrated in this video. Adaptation of technologies in terms of cloud computing and silicon valley is implies to be very important. The relationship between human and modern technologies is dependent on different factors such as voice recognition, eye tracking, gesture recognition, brain interfaces etc. There is large demographics that are not connected to mediated by the technologies. Due to adaptation of Internet of Things (IOT) in terms of big data, cloud, digital platform drastic change in the real world is taking place (Acs.org.au 2017). Different organizations from different countries are needed to be considered to understand the impact of technology. Though, in the last section a conflict has taken place due to taking Israel as one of the well known technology based countries. References Acs.org.au 2017.POST data. [online] Acs.org.au. Available at: https://www.acs.org.au/myacs/memberarea/ictleadersvodcastvideos.html [Accessed 23 Jan. 2017].